Running to Jesus

I knew I could walk it, but I did not believe I could reach that arbitrary finish line at a sprint like I had planned.

love running hat running

I am a runner.  Sort of.  A more accurate description would be a runner/walker.  I have always felt inadequate when it comes to describing myself as a real runner.  Interval training has never been a goal of mine.  However, it seems that it is what works best for me.  It is also a great way to kick-start fat burning.


There is a long road that runs in front of our home. I run/walk up and down this road in the same pattern each time so I know how far I have gone.  I could see that finish line way ahead of me and the dogs who so graciously precede and protect me from anything or anyone.  They love to run/walk with me.

Like my panting dogs, it was looking like I would fail miserably at making it to the end without giving up.  It was a blistering hot day with only a slight breeze cooling me.  I felt like Satan was mocking me.  Feeling discouraged I began to ask Jesus to help me get there.  I wanted to finish well.  And it hit me – I could see Him standing there with His arms held out saying, “You have got this!  Finish it!  I am here!”

I am sure I looked like a blooming idiot as I picked up the pace with this huge grin on my face and tears beginning to fill my eyes.  The thought of Jesus standing at every finish line in our lives encouraging us to finish well should cause each of us to well up with emotion.  I was in a dead sprint and could hardly breathe.  But when I reached the end I felt alive and loved!

dogs running with me

Now, when I think I can’t make it to the end I just imagine the Man who gave his life for me standing there with his arms open wide, a look of contentment on His face saying, “I love you.  Run into my arms and I will give you rest.”  I wonder if this is what it will be like when we meet our Lord?

What is it you need to finish well?  Jesus is waiting for you with arms open wide.

2-13-15 - 2 closer

Jan - One Chance font

6 thoughts on “Running to Jesus

  1. Laura says:

    I am a “sort of” runner, too! 🙂 I always feel great afterwards, but sometimes it’s really hard to get myself going. I have found that some upbeat Christian music helps me to finish well. Imagining Jesus at the finish line is a great idea, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Laura Hicks says:

    I can really relate Jan. I’m a runner, sort of, as well. I’ve really had a tough go with health issues this spring and summer and haven’t been giving me best to God lately when it comes to my health. Thank you so much for your post! It is a great reminder that I want to finish well.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. joanneviola says:

    Jan, I just LOVE the pictures of the dogs which shows their faces. They are in a full out sprint & sure look like they are smiling to me 🙂 And that will be us too, one day, as we approach that finish line & see our Lord waiting for us. Grateful to have stopped here this morning. Thank you for encouraging me to keep on!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. bekalynn02 says:

    I love to run also! It took me a while to use the word run and love together though. I have always thought running is such a great metaphor for life. God always speaks to me through the trials and challenges I face through it. In fact when I run is when I pray and worship. I get so excited as I listen to NY worship music. I love that picture of Jesus meeting us at the finish line of whatever challenge that we face. Linking up with you at looking up:)


  5. Rachel Britton says:

    I love the picture of Jesus standing at the finish line and encouraging us to finish well. Receiving a “well done” from Jesus and running into his arms is the best encouragement we can ever receive and enough to make us sprint. What do I need to do to finish well? Keep my eyes on Jesus.

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